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Eagles for Eagles

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Eagles for Eagles?

The Eagles for Eagles fund is an initiative to raise money for Georgia Southern students in extreme financial hardships. Students may apply for a one-time financial award to help them during their crisis, which also helps them remain enrolled. The fund embodies what it means to be an Eagle.

Who is the target audience of this initiative?

The primary audience of this initiative are undergraduate students, but any students may apply for funding, which will be awarded based on available funding. The Eagles for Eagles initiative is aligned with SGA’s pillars of success: Service, Growth, Advocacy. It is about Eagles helping Eagles, building upon the student centered approach to help keep as many of our valued members of our Eagle family as possible.

How does Eagles for Eagles work?

This initiative works in 2 steps:

  1.  Members of the Eagles family and community including, but not limited to: student organizations, faculty, staff, individual students and family and friends of Georgia Southern fundraise and donate to Eagles for Eagles.
  2. Students with temporary financial need apply for a one time maximum award of $750.

What are the policies and procedures for applying for Eagles for Eagles?

I am interested in becoming involved with this initiative, where do I learn more?

The Eagles for Eagles initiative is headquartered in the SGA office on the first floor of the Russell Union. Be on the lookout for upcoming fundraising events and help promote our efforts. Also, if individuals or any student organizations or individuals have fundraising ideas, please feel free to reach out!

***For any questions regarding Eagles for Eagles, or to submit applications, please email

Last updated: 4/1/2024