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What is Southern Leaders?

Program Overview

Southern Leaders is a student leadership program that helps students develop their leadership abilities through interactive courses and community projects. Specifically, students receive three leadership certificates as they progress through the program, and a Southern Leaders medallion upon completion.

Moreover, the program focuses on personal leadership development, team building, and creating positive change in communities. By engaging in leadership lessons, community service, challenging projects, and unique opportunities, Southern Leaders provides students with valuable skills for their resumes, according to NACE’s Job Outlook (2016).

Hear from Southern Leaders!

Southern Leaders Breakdown

Emerging Leaders

student reading

If you’re interested in getting involved with Southern Leaders, Emerging Leaders is an excellent place to start. By participating in LEAD 1000, leaders have the chance to engage in various leadership assessments and learn about the 5 Practices of Exemplary Leadership (Kouzes & Posner, 1987), thus enhancing their leadership abilities. Emerging Leaders will also engage in guided activities to practice their leadership skills. Additionally, through social activities, students in this program will find a sense of belonging within the Southern Leaders program. Click here to learn more about our Emerging Leaders!

Team-Based Leadership

students playing chess

In our second installment of Southern Leaders, the focus is on teamwork! Specifically, through Team-Based Leadership, students will learn about leading through teams in an effective way. In LEAD 2000: Collaborative Leadership, students take leadership assessments to understand their talents as both a leader and team member. Afterwards, they will have the chance to apply these skills to their Leadership in Action projects, which provide a positive impact to the Statesboro and Georgia Southern community! Click here to learn more about Team-Based Leadership!

Leading Positive Change

two students talking

To round out the Southern Leaders experience- our Leaders will reflect on what they have learned up until this point to identify how to apply those lessons to real life leadership experiences. During LEAD 3000: Rethinking Community Leadership, we take a look at what it means to be a leader in the world of today and how to embrace the challenges that come with leading change. Through the Leadership Incubator project, our Leaders will participate in leadership positions or career opportunities to put their Southern Leaders knowledge to work. Click here to learn more about Leading Positive Change!

Last updated: 9/11/2023