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LanSchool Policies

What is Lanschool?

Lanschool is a computer monitoring software program that allows a teacher observe and control the content on a student’s computer screen. The software allows us to disable the internet and other programs while students are testing.

The Student Disability Resource Center will notify all students of the LanSchool software program in the monitoring of students using computers for taking exams in the test proctoring lab.

Students returning their signed Academic Accommodation Contracts (green sheets) will sign and receive a copy of the SDRC Test Proctoring Procedures (pink sheet) , which will serve as the students’ notification of the use of the LanSchool software for monitoring test.

Computers in the test lab will be electronically locked out for web access every morning. Any exams requiring web access by professors will be given web access for exam purposes only.

Students taking exams with web access will be monitored by the use of LanSchool software. If the student is observed using the computer to access anything other than what is allowed by the professor, it will be considered academic dishonesty. At this point in the exam the student’s test will be collected, the student’s professor will be notified and the student will be referred to Judicial Affairs.

Last updated: 1/15/2013