Appeal a Grade

The evaluation of the quality of a student’s performance is the prerogative of the instructor. Nothing stated below is intended to place a limitation on this prerogative and the instructor will be involved in the review at each stage in the appeal process. All grade appeals should be viewed as confidential matters between the student, the instructor, and the appropriate administrators.

If a student does not understand the reason for a grade, it is the student’s responsibility to consult the instructor of the course about the grade. If after such consultation the student does not agree with the basis on which the grade was assigned, the student may initiate an appeal according to the procedures given below. The burden of proof will rest with the student. There are four stages of appeal available to a student and they must be followed sequentially. This policy applies to Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.

Stages Two through Four must be completed during the semester immediately following the semester in which the grade was assigned unless an extension is authorized by the Provost. At the completion of each stage of the appeal, the student is to be notified of the decision in writing.


Stage One: An appeal must be initiated within 14 working days after the first day of class of the semester which immediately follows the semester for which the grade was awarded. The student should petition the instructor in writing, giving salient reasons for the grade appeal. The student should retain a copy of the written appeal for personal records.

Stage Two: If the student is not satisfied after the review by the instructor, the student should consult the department chair and submit a copy of the written appeal. The department chair will attempt to resolve the grade appeal. The chair will meet with the instructor and may consult with other persons who have relevant information.

Stage Three: If all efforts to resolve the grade appeal at the departmental level are unsuccessful, the student may submit the written appeal to the dean of the appropriate college. The dean will examine the appeal and other pertinent materials submitted by the student. The dean will meet with the instructor and may also request from the instructor materials deemed relevant. In an attempt to resolve the grade appeal, the dean may interview the student, instructor, and others who may have pertinent information. If the dean determines the need for a review committee to examine the issue, the committee shall consist of:

  • One faculty member from the department
  • One faculty member from the college, but not from the department of the instructor
  • One faculty member from another college
  • Ex Officio: A staff member from Student Affairs and Enrollment Management recommended by the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

The committee, if appointed, will advise the dean regarding the grade under appeal. Whether the dean chooses to appoint a committee or not, the dean will render a final decision on the grade appeal at the college level.

Stage Four: If all efforts to resolve the grade appeal at the college level are unsuccessful, the student may submit the written appeal to the Provost. The Provost will examine the appeal and other pertinent materials submitted by the student. The Provost will meet with the instructor and also may request materials deemed relevant. In an attempt to resolve the grade appeal, the Provost may interview the student, instructor, and others who may have pertinent information.

If a committee was constituted at the college level, the Provost will review the process, the committee findings, and the decision of the dean and render a final University decision. If a committee was not appointed at the college level, the Provost has the option of appointing a review committee which will conform to the composition described in Stage Three. The committee, if appointed, will advise the Provost regarding the grade under appeal. Whether the Provost chooses to appoint a committee or not, the Provost will render a final University decision.

From the Georgia Southern University Catalog (2020-2021)

Last updated: 12/7/2020
